The American Unit of the International Chair in Bioethics is a global center, guided by experts, for fellowship and resource development for students, faculty, and practitioners interested in clinical and ethical decision making under conditions of uncertainty and great moral hazard. Uniquely, the American Unit aims to foster the development of psychologically mindful clinical decision-making narratives that are internationally recognized as memorable; to raise infrequently asked, yet vital, vivid ethical questions; and to innovate psychologically informed teaching resources and methods for lifelong learning in the medical and mental health professions. The American Unit develops materials that stimulate shared discourse and inform professionals and the lay public about decision making amid uncertainty and tension.
Since medical ethics is best understood and effectively implemented in the context of underlying psychology, the American Unit explores and develops materials based upon an understanding of the psychology of clinical and ethical decision making under conditions of uncertainty when there is great moral and personal hazard.
The American Unit of the International Chair in Bioethics develops vivid, meaningful, and memorable resources that extend beyond usual models of classroom teaching materials so that, even in the midst of busy clinical practices, these materials will continue to inform clinical and ethical decision making under conditions of uncertainty.
Our efforts are part of the greater World Medical Association goal, which is to create the conditions for dialogue among civilizations, cultures and peoples, based on respect for commonly shared values. It is through this dialogue that the world can achieve global visions of sustainable development encompassing observance of human rights, mutual respect and the alleviation of poverty, all of which are at the heart of the World Medical Association’s mission and activities.
Tax deductible donations can be made using EIN number 45-3552910, by shopping via AmazonSmile and selecting “American Unit of International Network of Unesco Chair in Bioethi” as your chosen charity recipient, by check payable to “American Unit of the International Network of the UNESCO Chair in Bioethics” and mailed to:
Harold Bursztajn, MD, President
American Unit of the International Chair in Bioethics
96 Larchwood Drive
Cambridge, MA 02138
or through Paypal:
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